Wealth Management for Modern investors

Focus on investment alpha while our platform takes care of analyzing and tracking your portfolios across Stocks, Mutual Funds, Bond and other asset classes. Connect your broker, get automated entry and world class reporting tools on your fingertips.

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Are you managing large diversified portfolios?

If you are a CFO , a fund manager, an investment advisor or an investor and wish to know more about the product, reach out to us and lets discuss.

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Our Platform is used by the some of the noteworthy Asset Management Companies and corporates of the country for managing their portfolios.

Track Multiple Asset Classes
Manage your investments in stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, bonds, etc
Manage Multiple Portfolios
Maintain individual portfolios or have a consolidated view all
Monitor Performance against Benchmark
Access profitability of your decisions and compare them with benchmark
Advance Reporting
Generate reports on your preferred indicators and custom time period
Live Data Update
View your portfolio performance in real time without any lag
Exportable Data
Download data and use elsewhere for your record and analysis

Prospect Clients

If you manage a fund or an organization, our platform can help you manage your portfolios

Asset Management Companies


Family Offices

Investment Advisors

High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI)

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Contact Info

Suite# 611,
Al-Hafeez Business Center,
89-B/III, Gulberg III, Lahore, Pakistan